Should I Wait?

by Philip Allen

Sometimes, Marlene and I are asked if we regret going solar 17 years ago due to the fact that the modules have improved dramatically in both wattage and efficiency. Our original Evergreen Solar modules on our garage roof were made in Massachusetts and are 180 watts and 15% efficient.

Evergreen is long out of business, and if we were to do the roof now, we would use Silfab 410-watt modules at 23% efficiency. So, yes, a new array is better than the old one. But regrets? None. This array started our contribution to clean energy and our small part in battling climate change, and they have paid for themselves in tax benefits and Green Mountain Power credits.

There are some forms of technology where it is wise to wait. Phones, computers, and TVs, for example. They get faster, smarter, and higher in resolution. But solar arrays ARE the power plant that provides all the kWhs for these things. As long as it is powering your home, it is not obsolete. Solar arrays APPRECIATE.

When we installed our first solar array in 2006, a kWh was worth 8 cents; now, it is worth 18 cents. Our arrays are worth whatever the utility is charging. Our three arrays have produced 167 megawatts, that’s 167,000 kWhs and offsetting 83 TONS of carbon thus far. We expect even the oldest to give us another ten years of free clean energy.

At some point, you have to commit to clean energy. We should have all done this 40 years ago, but it is not too late to begin. Will the technology get better? We sure hope so, but your solar array will never become obsolete because it IS your powerplant, just as the grid is not obsolete though it is 110 years old.

On the other hand, the Chevy Bolt in the driveway? We have replaced our EVs three times as that technology gets old, automobiles depreciate, and they lose that new car smell!

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News Release: Same Sun Solarizes Whitehall Armory

WHITEHALL, NY – Same Sun of Vermont is pleased to announce that the solar project at the former Whitehall Armory, located at 62 Poultney Street in the Village of Whitehall, is now underway.  A total of 184 solar modules will be installed on the south-facing roof of the main facility, a castle-like structure that was originally built in 1899.

Marlene Allen of Same Sun & Roark Merrill of Winter Fellowship

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Whitehall Armory has housed U.S. Military and National Guard units going back to the Spanish American War.  The 37,000 square foot, brick and stone medieval-style structure sits on Poultney Street near the Champlain Canal, at the entrance to the Village’s historic waterfront. 

“No one who built this Armory is alive now. And the people who did build it would never have imagined that one day it would be solar powered. This is the significance of bringing 21st century technology to a 19th century landmark; you become very aware of the continuum that is our past and our future.” said Philip Allen, owner of Same Sun of Vermont.  

Same Sun Crew Preparing Roof

Vacated by the military in 2009, the property was redeveloped as an Athletic Club before transferring to the current owner, Winter Fellowship LLC.   The solar project was conceived in 2022 as a way to reduce the carbon footprint as well as costs, and a long permitting process ensued that involved approvals from the Village of Whitehall and Washington County, as well as the utility, National Grid.  NYSERDA, the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency, will provide incentive funding through its NY-SUN program.

Emily Palm-Stikkers, Operations Manager at Same Sun, who shepherded the project through the design phase explained, “Any commercial solar array comes with site-specific challenges that require meticulous planning. Installing one on a 120-year-old historic armory that is the centerpiece of a small town adds even more layers of consideration, partnerships with multiple entities, and technical challenges. Bringing this impressive building up to modern NEC and building code standards, while maintaining its historical charm, has meant that great care and detail have gone into the visible attributes.“

Each year the 59.8kW array will generate 63,000 kWhs of clean, renewable energy to power future activities.

Gov. Hochul at CHPE Ceremony

Whitehall has traditionally been known as the Birthplace of the U.S. Navy, but in the past year has taken on additional significance as a hub in the Champlain Hudson Power Express, an underground and underwater pipeline that will bring 1.25 megawatts of hydro-electricity from Quebec to New York City.  The announcement and ceremonial groundbreaking of this project took place at the Amory in November 2022, presided over by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul.

Same Sun of Vermont was established in 2011 by Marlene Lederman Allen and Philip Allen of Rutland Town, Vermont as a solar sales and service firm. More recently, Same Sun specializes in installations of EV chargers. Headquartered in historic downtown Rutland, Same Sun focuses on customer-driven solutions for the residential and commercial marketplace in Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. Contact us at:

Why Silfab Solar Panels?

Often when choosing a brand, one has to compromise.  I like this, but I’m not happy with that.  I wish features from two different products were available in one product.  Promising technology, but unattractive appearance.   It looks good but it is poorly made, etc. etc. etc.  Imagine if something came along that checks every box, that you could fully endorse with no compromises.  That would certainly be exciting. Well, this is what we have with Silfab.

Silfab EliteTM 410-watt modules are the solar panels for us with no excuses and no compromise.  

Technically Superior

The Elite offers 410 watts at 21.4 % efficiency through Silfab’s proprietary X-pattern technology, which combines an integrated cell design with a conductive backsheet to create a more efficient and powerful solar panel.  

Aesthetically Pleasing

We have never seen a more sleek and elegant appearance than these all-black solar modules. The flare-like patterning with no white backsheet blends with and even enhances our clients’ rooftops and the entire home’s appearance. 

Unsurpassed Reliability

Silfab has over forty years of  solar design and manufacturing experience, beginning in Toronto, Canada with an expansion into Washington State (two existing facilities, and a third announced for 2024).  The company delivers “Buy American” approved PV modules specifically designed for weather conditions in the North American market.

For further peace of mind, Silfab offers two industry-leading warranty coverages: a 25-year craftsmanship warranty and a performance warranty of nearly 83% after 30 years.

American Products, Vermont Jobs

This has been the standard for Same Sun of Vermont since we began in 2011.  It hasn’t always been easy.  Silfab Elite, being manufactured in Washington State, tells our clients many important things. First, we are supporting good-paying American manufacturing jobs.  Some other nations use child labor, prison labor or pay poor wages to their workers. Second, we know that a factory is Washington is living up to high environmental standards, practically non-existent in China and some other countries. American made helps protect us from supply chain issues and like any manufacturing of power providing technology, it keeps America self-sufficient and secure.

Contact Us to learn more!


A summary of an EV trip from Rutland, Vermont to Atlantic City, New Jersey and back (with a stop in Brooklyn, NY).

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Same Sun Reconnects Rutland Town School

Rutland Town School made a bold move more than ten years ago to build a solar array on their rooftop. The solar array proposed was for 59.8 KW, and it would cost $195,000. Instead of looking for a lease or power purchase agreement that would have yielded a small payback, Rutland Town School funded the array with $97,500 from the Clean Energy Development Fund and a grant from Green Mountain Power for $15,000. 

SPS Crew Tests Modules

The rest was placed on the ballot to allow the school to take a bond for up to $130,000 to cover the balance, plus an independent advisor to shepherd the project. If Town residents approved the bond vote, Rutland Town School would own the array that would produce clean energy for decades and save the school more than a quarter of a million dollars.

For two years, the Rutland School energy committee worked toward this goal, and with public meetings and an aggressive phone calling campaign, the bill easily passed.

Unfortunately, the school board chose a solar company an hour and a half away who decided to outsource the work. The first winter, three panels came off their racks, a nearly unheard-of condition, and other problems arose over the years. Ten years on, the system was so underperforming that the school sought out Same Sun of Vermont’s service division Solar PROforamance Services (SPS) to evaluate the solar array’s condition.

SPS offered three options, and to the school board’s credit, they chose the option that would bring the solar array to full effectiveness and 2022 electrical standards, including rapid shutdown for fire protection. The majority of labor was done over the students February break, as to not disrupt the school day or distract the students.

From Left to Right: Kelly Trayah, Maintenance Director, Rutland Town School, Emily Palm-Stikkers, SPS Operations Director, & Simon Bradford, Bradford Low Voltage

Rutland Town School’s solar array had more than paid for itself before serious problems began. The money paid to re-install the system correctly and up to code will quickly pay for itself in the solar credits the school enjoys from Green Mountain Power. Since the array was commissioned on March 10th, inspected, and left generating on March 18th, it has saved the school over $2000 in the first six weeks.

Making Cents: How to Pay for Your Solar Array

Not long ago, two financial barriers prevented most households from going solar — even if they were ready to make the switch:

  1. The high price tag on solar arrays
  2. The lack of solar financing options available on the market

Thankfully, innovations in solar technology have made going solar more affordable than ever. In fact, the National Renewable Energy Lab estimates that the average price of a residential solar system has dropped by 64% in the last decade! All the while, solar technology has become more sophisticated. As a result, sites that were previously unsuitable for solar (such as east/west roofs or partially shaded areas) can now take advantage of the sun’s abundant energy.

Solar financing options have kept pace with the industry’s technological changes. Beyond traditional financing options (such as home equity loans), clients can now borrow from solar lenders that specialize in financing solar systems. These solar lenders have terms that eliminate the need for significant home equity or upfront cash when purchasing a solar system.

In short, clean, affordable solar energy is now more accessible than ever before. 

This article covers the most common solar financing options on the market, so you can decide which one will meet your unique financial needs. But first, let’s review why owning your array is so important in the first place.

Benefits of purchasing your solar array

Regardless of how you pay for it, owning your solar system maximizes your return on investment in both the short and long term.

In addition to boosting the value of your home right away, owning your solar system allows you to take advantage of the federal solar energy income tax credit during the next tax season. If you have taxable income, this credit will provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction in your federal income taxes equal to 26% of the total cost of your solar system — often amounting to a significant tax refund.

  • Tax credit example: If your solar system costs $30,000, you will receive a $7,800 tax credit the following year. This credit can be paid out in a lump sum (as a tax refund) or spread over multiple years to maximize your tax advantage.

In the long term, your system only becomes more valuable as it produces more free energy for your home. Rather than paying a revolving (and unpredictable) bill to your utility provider each month, owning your system allows you to make fixed monthly payments with guaranteed returns.

Other options for going solar (such as leasing a solar system or entering a power purchase agreement) might appear to save you money at first, but in reality, these arrangements just trade one utility bill for another. When you enter these agreements, the value of your home does not increase; in fact, the lease could be seen as an encumbrance by potential buyers if you attempt to sell your home. Additionally, you are not eligible for the federal solar tax credit, and any long-term gains from your system are diverted to your solar provider. Financially, these options just don’t stack up to the benefits of ownership.

Now that you know why it’s important to own your own solar array, let’s dive into how you can pay for it.

Traditional Solar Financing Options

Traditional solar financing options include home equity loans (HELOANs) and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs). To qualify for a HELOAN or HELOC, you’ll typically need at least 20% equity in your home, but specific requirements will vary from bank to bank.

Home equity loans are the most popular form of traditional solar financing. HELOANs are secured by your home equity, often resulting in lower rates than other types of loans. HELOANs function legally as a second mortgage, resulting in a lien on your home. These loans have fixed payments and a fixed rate, but you can lower your monthly payments if you re-amortize using the money from your federal tax credit refund. Doing so, however, means you will essentially be paying interest on the amount of your tax credit until you re-amortize. 

Home equity lines of credit are similar to home equity loans, but they offer more flexibility regarding when and how much you borrow. Rather than borrowing a single lump sum of money, a HELOC allows you to freely borrow against your home equity over a length of time known as the draw period (typically 5-10 years).If you anticipate other major expenses during the payoff period of your solar array (e.g. other home improvement projects, education expenses, etc.), it may make sense for you to open up this flexible line of credit. Unlike HELOANs, HELOCs have variable interest rates, potentially making them more expensive depending on market factors. 

Approval for both HELOANs and HELOCs takes about 2-4 weeks. The application process can be complex, often requiring:

  • A valuation of your property
  • A copy of your property deed
  • A copy of your mortgage statement
  • Income verification documents, such as pay stubs or tax returns

New Solar Financing Options

Until recently, traditional financing was the only option for households looking to go solar. Now, homeowners have a range of solar financing options to choose from thanks to the recent growth in solar loan programs. 

Solar loans do not require home equity, making them a more flexible and accessible option when financing your solar array. Solar loans are available from both traditional local credit unions and solar-specific lenders. 

Local credit unions

Many local credit unions have created unsecured solar loan programs designed around the unique tax credits involved with solar system purchases. These loans often start with low monthly payments with the expectation that you will apply your federal tax credit to your outstanding balance within 12-18 months. If you do not apply your full tax credit within this period, your monthly payments will increase. 

These solar loans tend to have higher interest rates because they are unsecured, but they may be a good option if you don’t have the home equity for traditional financing. Bear in mind, these traditional lenders may require a lengthy application, and the credit check will likely appear on your credit report. Additionally, your solar installer cannot adapt the terms of these loans to meet your financial goals. 

Solar-specific lenders

Solar loans from solar-specific lenders are very similar to those of local credit unions, but they tend to have a few special advantages. First, these loans are secured by the value of your solar system itself, allowing for lower rates than unsecured loans. This option is great for buyers without home equity to borrow against, but buyers with home equity may also prefer this option because it does not put a lien on their property like traditional financing would.

Moreover, solar-specific lenders have instant access to all the details about your new solar system, so they can typically approve you for financing in minutes, sometimes only requiring a “soft” credit check. This can save you days or weeks of waiting for approval compared to a traditional lender.

Finally, because these loans are facilitated through your solar installer, they can adapt the terms of your loan to your unique needs. For example, if you don’t want to apply your federal tax credit to your solar loan (or you’d prefer to spread your refund out over multiple years), you can design your loan to avoid the standard payment increase that most lenders would apply after 12-18 months. This is just one example of how you can customize your solar financing, but the flexibility of these loans means most clients can design a payment plan that works well for their goals and budget. 

Going Solar with Same Sun Has Never Been This Easy

Solar arrays are not one-size-fits-all — solar financing shouldn’t be, either. At Same Sun of Vermont, we only design customized solar arrays made with the highest quality materials available. Now, through our recent partnership with industry-leading solar lenders, we can also design customized solar financing packages that meet your unique goals.

If you’re ready to go solar with us, we’ve sweetened the deal this month with a special offer to celebrate our 10th year in business: Go solar with Same Sun this April and receive $1,000 off your custom solar array! To get started, give us a call at 802-775-7900, send us an email at or Contact Us through this site.