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own your own clean energy

Why Solar?

Solar Power is the cleanest form of energy known, requires little maintenance and can save TONS of carbon and THOUSANDS of dollars.

Unlike conventional energy sources, which are location-specific, i.e. coal must be mined where it exists, the sun shines everywhere.  Harnessing its endless source of power will create local jobs as your home or business becomes your own power plant.

Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) generated by your solar array offsets one pound of carbon pollution per year.  An average residential system will offset more than 100 TONS of carbon in its 30-year life; this is equivalent to planting more than 12 acres of trees.

The Same Sun Shines Everywhere.  You can’t outsource your land. You can’t send your roof to China. We are proud to be able to supply skilled, well-paying jobs, particularly to young men and women who want to stay in Vermont. Unlike jobs in fossil fuel industries, you don’t need to go to where the mine or oil well is. 

Start Your Solar Journey Today!