As 2023 comes to an end:

We want to take a moment to reflect and celebrate both the businesses and individuals we have been able to work with throughout the year. 

When Same Sun opened its doors in Vermont thirteen years ago, we believed our mission was important: to work with folks to produce clean solar energy. In 2011, those kilowatt-hours primarily powered your lights and electrical appliances.  Now, because of subzero heat pumps and a long list of EVs on the market, solar is heating your homes and powering your cars.  Our dream is coming true: move all you can from fossil fuels to the grid and power the grid with your own solar array!  Same Sun celebrated this at the Paramount Theatre this last Spring with “An Electrifying Afternoon.”

An Electrifying Afternoon

2023, The Paramount Theatre

In 2023, probably our most famous Vermont client, Whistlepig Whiskey, chose to add a ground array to the unusual and impressive rooftop array Same Sun completed years ago. Together, these two arrays provide all the electricity the distillery employs. 100% clean energy; as if one needed another reason to enjoy this premium rye whiskey!